Whether in flower beds, grass or containers: the effect of summer flowering bulbous and tuberous plants in public spaces is impressive. This is due to their abundance of flowers, often in bright colours. Planting time is in spring, after the last frost. They will bloom in the same year. If varieties are chosen cleverly, the flowers will brighten up public green spaces from the end of May until well into autumn. Most summer-flowering bulbous and tuberous plants are sun lovers. They do not demand much from the soil: preferably nutritious and permeable to water.
A selection of the varieties
Canna (Canna lily)
This tuberous plant has a tropical look. The flowering period is from July to November. The dwarf varieties grow to a height of 60 cm; tall varieties up to 160 cm. Thanks to the large variety in leaf colours, this flower also offers ornamental value, particularly in combination with the many flower colours.
Crocosmia (previously known as Montbretia)
This is a striking and richly flowering bulbous plant, with bright red, orange or yellow flower spikes. The flowering period runs from July to September and the plant grows 60 to 120 cm high. Many varieties produce decorative berries after flowering, which turn from green to red and offer ornamental value well into winter. It is also a gestation plant.
The Dahlia is one of the best-known summer-flowering tuberous plants, which, thanks to a comeback, has once again carved out its rightful place in landscaping. This summer flower comes in a variety of colours and shapes. The height varies from 30 to 150 cm. Dahlias with dark leaves and open flower hearts are especially popular. They flower until the first frost, and it is a gestation plant (with the exception of double-flowered varieties).
Especially the small-flowered variety (Nanus, height 70 cm) and the Abyssinian Gladiolus (Callianthus, height 100 cm) are suitable for landscaping. The former is available in many colours; the flowers of the latter are white with a burgundy-coloured heart, and fragrant. They are both gestation plants.
Lily (Lilium)
The lily is mainly known as a cut flower. All types of lily are suitable for planting in public spaces. Some of them are fragrant. Asiatic lilies, the best-known type, reach a height of 60 to 80 cm. They are sturdy, upright flowers with a wide colour spectrum, including many bright colours.
Tigridia (tiger flower)
This is a lesser-known summer-flowering bulbous plant. The flowering period is from July to October and its height is 45 cm. A mix with different colours of Tigridia creates a colourful effect in public spaces.
Combination tips
Summer-flowering bulbous plants can be planted in clusters, mixtures or combined with perennials. Group similar colour tones together, or choose contrasting colours. Examples of combinations include:
- Lily, Gladiolus and Canna
- Crocosmia, Dahlia, and Liatris Spicata (blazing star)
- Summer bulbs with perennials such as Pennisetum (fountaingrass), Verbena bonariensis (vervain) and/or Persicaria (knotweed).