Plant flower bulbs now to boost biodiversity and improve the climate

Did you know that we are not the only species that experience happiness through flower bulbs? In spring, their flowers are also very popular with bees and butterflies. What’s more, they also improve our climate. So, why not help out: plant flower bulbs now!

Natural water storage

The green leaves of flower bulbs absorb CO2 from the air and produce oxygen in return. Soil planted with greenery also allows rainwater to soak into the soil better. This type of natural water storage is a major advantage during downpours.

Mix it up to your heart’s content

When insects go searching for sustenance in spring after a long winter, early-flowering bulbs provide for their every need. The crocus is a well-known example. Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa) is another one of these early bloomers brimming with nectar and pollen in the cheerful star-shaped flowers. The same goes for winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis), which grows into yellow carpets. Next, it’s the turn of bulbs like grape hyacinth (Muscari), Allium and bluebells (Hyacinthoides) to take over. Mix different varieties to your heart’s content, it will only benefit biodiversity.

Step-by-step plan

Planting flower bulbs is not difficult at all. On a nice autumn day, you can turn it into a fun outdoor activity.

  1. Dig holes in the soil with a small scoop; you can find the planting distance on the packaging;
  2. Plant your bulbs twice as deep as they are high;
  3. Put your bulbs in the holes with the growing tip (the nose) facing up;
  4. Fill up the hole with soil and press lightly;
  5. Water the bulbs.

A colourful result

If you are planting your bulbs in a pot, you can plant them a little closer together. Make sure there are holes in the bottom of the pot to allow excess water to drain away. Water your bulbs during prolonged droughts, otherwise you can leave them as they are. In spring, the bulbs will grow naturally to produce a colourful result.