It’s almost that time of the year again: time to plant flower bulbs. If you turn the planting into a fun event, you will be finished in no time. Pick a nice day with some glorious autumn sunshine, and ask someone to help. You can turn planting into a real garden party with your partner, neighbours, and kids. Make sure you have some sweet treats and coffee and tea to hand, and enjoy the outdoors together.
Getting ready
A bulb-planting event starts with deciding which bulbs you want to plant. Do you like quiet colours in two or three shades, or do you prefer a wild mix? You might want to give someone the bulb planting experience as a gift with a difference? If you need some ideas, you will find loads in gardening magazines and on social media. Once you have made your choice, it’s time to buy your bulbs at a garden centre or order them online, and pick a beautiful sunny autumn day.
Exploring nature is also a lot of fun and very educational for children. Involve them in the process of choosing and let them plant the bulbs in a fun shape or in a pot they have painted themselves.
Flower bulb planting tips
- If you pick a sunny autumn day, you can top up your vitamin D supply as you work. It will make you happy!
- For a natural effect in spring, try mixing things up by planting different bulbs together in a large planter or wheelbarrow, and scatter some bulbs all around the border. Then plant them wherever they land.
- Rake the soil to loosen it in the spot where the bulbs will be planted.
- Make a hole in the soil, about three times as deep as the size of the bulb.
- Plant the flower bulbs in the hole with their pointed sides facing up.
- Cover the flower bulbs with the soil dug from the hole.
- Water immediately after planting, to let the bulbs know it is time to start rooting. The sooner the roots are formed, the better the bulbs will be able to tolerate frost.
So, you really don’t need green fingers to be able to plant bulbs. Anyone can do it, young or old!